Filming Completed? For Now!

Filming completed? For now! We still have surprises in store for July and August.

Over the past month and a half, we have traveled through Puglia, Molise, and Abruzzo—three regions that have played a central role in the history of transhumance and the regi tratturi.

Le Vie della Lana is a documentary born from the idea of telling the story of the Tratturo Magno, the great “green highway” stretching over 240 km. For centuries, shepherds have followed this route to move their flocks from the summer pastures of the Apennine highlands in Abruzzo and Molise to the winter grazing lands of the Tavoliere delle Puglie.

In recent weeks, we have explored these ancient paths and met the people who still inhabit them today, traveling not only in our camper but also on foot—just as the transhumance shepherds once did.

And now? Our journey is not over yet, and new filming trips await us.

Stay tuned!