Editing with someone else’s words

Dear Hands-Friends, last week the editing work has been hard. How to making senso out of all this? We stare, we think about it again and again. It’s weird to tell about your story using someone else’s words. So Ill drain all suggestione your videos provides, and try to combine all with my life. See you soon, best regards!    

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And now… editing!

After several troubles, goals and hard work we are finally at the editing phase. It will takes some time and energy. Follow us, the best is yet to come! Ragazzi finalmente ci siamo, dopo tante peripezie, soddisfazioni e guai domani comincia l’atteso montaggio di Hands! Sarà un lavoro impegnativo ma non vedevamo l’ora di mettere mano ai vostri video. Seguiteci abbiamo ancora un sacco di belle sorprese!

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