And now… editing!

After several troubles, goals and hard work we are finally at the editing phase. It will takes some time and energy. Follow us, the best is yet to come! Ragazzi finalmente ci siamo, dopo tante peripezie, soddisfazioni e guai domani comincia l’atteso montaggio di Hands! Sarà un lavoro impegnativo ma non vedevamo l’ora di mettere mano ai vostri video. Seguiteci abbiamo ancora un sacco di belle sorprese!

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Having fun with our Hands-friends!

Last week we had a great time with our Parma-based Hands-Friends. We played a lot of different things, with our own hands. Thank you guys, we won’t forget your funny faces soon! Facebook Album Follow us on Twitter

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Hands, news release by

Today 26th October, Italy in a day is on. We are way smaller but we hope the news will mention us these days. Keep our fingers crossed. Here’s the italian news release: “Cinema: a Parma un progetto film sociale in crowdsourcing ‘Hands’ per raccontare il rapporto tra l’uomo e le proprie mani PARMA (ANSA) – PARMA, 26 OTT – Nel giorno di ‘Italy in a day’, il social movie della Rai affidato al regista Gabriele Salvatores, a Parma c’è chi lavora al montaggio del proprio progetto di film sociale in crowdsourcing. Studio Kairòs è una piccola società di comunicazione ambientale […]

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HANDS – Author’s interview – Sergio Loppel

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Here’s your first interview! He’s eighty, fifty years of service on the sea. Ingenuity first, then technology. “When I was a pro diver, I literally used to invent my equipment: waterproof cameras”. Sergio could tell about his adventures for week, here’s a short clip. Follow us on Facebook

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