Italy in a day

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Do you remember the tv news mentioning an upcoming project by Gabriele Salvatores director? So “Italy in a Day” is based on a Ridley Scott’s format. The original “Life in a Day” is gonna be adapted on Italy. It will be a ambitious project, intended to create a huge documentary. All thought of people’s point of view. A great chance, let’s share it! Hands will share the same production method. This is an attestation of the great concern about crowdsourcing: we had a real flair! Studio Kairòs is actually making the VERY FIRST ITALIAN SOCIAL MOVIE! …COME ‘ON! Vi ricordate […]

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A rare-breeded team!

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Dear Hands-freinds, we want to steal you a smile with this footage. From this day on, we’ll share more about the development of Hands, step by step. Soon we’re going to ask you to tell us about “your business”. We already have some ideas… Follow us!  

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Toschi Fine Arts High School Hands-Friends!

The community grows fast! Now we know that Hands is all ages! And we are proud of it. From the elder Sergio Loppel until our young mates from Toschi Fine Arts School, involved in a special project (they have some extra time for shooting videos). Thanks to prof. Michele Putorti, as well to the guys having so much enthusiasm!   La community degli Hands Friends cresce! Siamo contenti di scoprire che Hands non ha età: dal contributo senior del’ ottantenne Sergio Loppel ai ragazzi dell’Istituto d’Arte Toschi, con i quali stiamo realizzando un progetto speciale. La classe 3A dell’indirizzo audiovisivi-multimediale […]

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Hands, are you in?

To send tour video makes different. Do you want to join the project or stay apart? Above the list of all the people said yes to Hands. We want you for the very first italian social movie about human hands. So take your camera and start shooting!  

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Hands, only one week left!

7 days to send your video! We started few, now we are a crowd! Even italian television news is talking about us. It’s been fun and we had the chanche to tell about our lives. What else we could do with our own hands? Let’s get inside! We can make out something that matter.  

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Hands issued on TG2 news

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  Last night Hands has been issued by the television news TG2 (RAI2 tv). Editor in chief, Tommaso Ricci attended the issue, catching the point totally. This is a real pleasure. Thanks to all has took part at this pioneering project until now. Hands, is all about you!

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HANDS – The neapolitan casatiello

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Hands – the very first social movie dedicated to human hands, proceed big steps. We receive interesting videos we are uploading on our Youtube’s channel. Last weekend we enjoyed very much shooting this video. We are introducing you Checco. He kneads and bakes some casatielli (a special bread typical of Napoli). If you don’t understand italian, we are totally sorry ’cause he’s really fun! Three weeks left to collect your videos, move yourself!  

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