First-ever screening of Le Vie della Lana!

Satisfied Mode: ON!

First-ever screening of Le Vie della Lana!

In this photo, director Daniele Di Domenico, editor Matteo Santi, and composer Davide Caprelli captured themselves watching the first rough cut of Le Vie della Lana for the very first time.

This first viewing was a mix of satisfaction, memories, and excitement: every scene took us back to those unforgettable days along the tratturi, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, authentic encounters, and the slow yet vital rhythm of transhumance.

Editing the documentary felt like putting together the pieces of a puzzle—every shot found its place, and each captured moment added depth to the story. Some details even surprised us: small gestures, expressions, and nuances that we might have overlooked during filming now shine with new light on the screen.

And now? Well, stay tuned—the best is yet to come!

P.S.: Who do you think looks the most tired?